The Keys to Liberating Ourselves:


Foundationally grounded in an embodied felt-sense of safety


The emotional capacity to hold one's self In warm regard  - even when upset or challenged


Trusting ourselves to act In accordance with our own long-term best interests

The Essence Of My Story...


Having felt like a misfit from an early age - too curious; too sensitive; too intense - Elyse was drawn (simultaneously) to intense academic study (graduating Phi Beta Kappa and Magna cum Laude) as well as the non-academic realms of metaphysics and healing.

After establishing a significant online presence in the early 2000's - with over 40,000 people playing the online Choosing Prosperity Game - in 2014 Elyse followed a strong impulse to put her courses on hold and, to instead, dive deeply into multiple dimensions of neuroscience, trauma healing, embodiment and advanced alchemical/metaphysical teachings.

After spending the past decade mastering a variety of tools and techniques that enable people to "recalibrate" their nervous systems - Elyse launched this initiative.

The time has come for us to a) come together to b) unhook ourselves from the collective default states of "stress, struggle and striving" and c) anchor ourselves instead in the unwavering, visceral experience of being "at home" - in our lives, in our relationships and in the world

The Story of My Self-Trust Revolution.


Letting go and letting come.

Those are the most accurate terms to describe what life has trained me to master.

This is not a typical life focus. Most people are accustomed to focusing on what is stable and "tried and true."

However, my path was different from the beginning.

I experienced my first profound letting go when my parents divorced when I was 6. I did not take that one well. In fact, I made up stories to explain my father's absence. I told classmates that my dad had been, "arrested for throwing pins in the water" at the local duck pond and I lied to my first grade teacher by telling her that my mother had remarried (which made for a very awkward first parent-teacher conference.) The upside of this unusual behavior was that I was sent to sit with the school Psychologist (dear Mrs. Memling) during lunch hours for quite a few months. It was under her tutelage that I began to explore my inner world.

This interest in inner life led me to major in Psychology in college. I did very well - graduating Phi Beta Kappa and Magna cum Laude with acceptance to move straight into a Clinical Psychology graduate program. However, the most unusual thing happened in the spring semester of my senior year. With graduate applications out and the first school acceptance in, I fell into a profound "dark night of the soul" and emerged with the certainty that a graduate degree was not my path. I had no back up plan and I had no logical explanation to soothe my family. All I had was a deep knowing that I was to let go of that plan and allow for something more true to emerge. 

The "dark night" experience has repeated many times over in my life - as I have been guided to let go of attachment after attachment. It is almost as though I was following a perfectly orchestrated curriculum to learn how to navigate "transformational dilemmas". That term describes the discomfort we feel moving through a transition when it seems as though what we are about to lose may be greater than what we are set to gain. We feel squeezed from every angle - terrified of moving forward but having no option of staying put. After navigating such dilemmas over and over (and over) in my life, I now have a very different relationship with the notion of let go and let come. My comfort level with instability and uncertainty makes me a valuable ally to anyone seeking to navigate such potent times.

In some cases I did not take action to respond when the message to "let go" began to present itself. In some cases I went kicking and screaming. I was quite unwilling to follow the initial soft whispers and gentle taps to leave my first marriage. I sunk deeper and deeper, determined to control the timing of that collapse. And, for this hubris, I was rewarded with a blockbuster-level cosmic 2X4 wherein I found myself unemployed, in debt, and raising two preschoolers alone after my then-husband got fired for having an affair with his secretary.

After realizing that I had created my own perfect nightmare, I found myself at a precipice. As much as this situation was one that I had dreaded, once it came to pass I was no longer in fear. The worst was over. There was nothing more to try to hold on to. What I did have was a choice. I could spiral down into powerlessness and victim-hood - or I could allow myself to be broken open. Every previous "dark night" had led up to this moment. There was only one option. To let go and let come.

The shift was quite profound and people took notice. My mother became concerned that I was "overly confident" for a person in such a precarious position so she sent me to have a session with her therapist. After I explained my conviction that all would be well despite what things looked like on the surface, the therapist asked me pointedly, "Do you have a Swiss bank account that you have not mentioned because your optimism seems rather far-fetched." Despite the fact that I was the only one who saw a rosy vision of my future, I moved step-by-step through the aftermath of that cataclysm and emerged with a completely new life and an unshakable inner strength.

As people began to recognize the power of my transformation, a few began to ask that I mentor them. I began taking on one-one-one coaching clients and then responded to an invitation to teach classes on "Conscious Creation" for an online training organization. On Labor Day 2000 I received yet another message to "let go" of the classes that I was teaching. At that point the income I had been receiving from teaching the courses was significant enough that without I would not be able to pay my mortgage.  Yet, in complete faith, I let go and waited for what would come. Within the month, 6 coaching clients were referred from a completely unexpected source and the inspiration for the "Prosperity Partnership Program landed as a singular download. The PPP debuted in the Fall of 2000 and I supported my family well for over a decade leading this series of Teleclasses on a weekly for over a decade. Between 2002 and 2014 over 40,000 people registered to play the online "Choosing Prosperity Game" and hundreds joined other programs that I lead including:

  • Soul Aligned Business
  • Evolutionary Wealth - Jumping Tracks
  • Consciousness Catalysts
  • True Essence Incubator
  • True Self Alchemy 

Note: Scroll lower on this page to read feedback from those students.

There were other insistent "let go and let come" messages in the years that followed. The most significant was to let go of a relationship in March of 2007 and to prepare for everything to change. In April of 2007 a former colleague (who I had not spoken with for 12 years) contacted me to say that his marriage has come to a close and he wanted to get in touch with old friends. That phone call led to a lunch which led to a cross state courtship. I moved my family to Princeton, NJ and Greg and I were wed in December of 2008.  

Most recently, in 2014 I received yet another message to "let go" (read more about those messages here). I put into "suspended animation" and immersed myself in the leading edges of both neuroscience, traumatology and mysticism. And then I waited (not always so patiently) to receive a message that it was time for the emergence of the next stage of my work.

Time to "let come"

As I write this now, in the middle of January 2024, with the world reeling from the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of concurrent crisis, I have finally received the notification that it is time for us to begin.

Elyse As A Real-World Catalyst...


 “When you enter into a coaching relationship with Elyse, you quickly realize that the Universe has answered your prayer for a spiritual partner who will guide you along your personal path to the wisdom and light within you. Elyse’s insight and inspiration aligns energetically with you to form a bridge between the internal and external worlds, diminishing conflict and creating a more powerful oneness. Like a true Goddess, Elyse walks her talk with integrity. She is among my most precious blessings. P.S. Thank you Universe.” — C.M. Clark



 “The work I have done with Elyse has been nothing short of miraculous. In just one call I went from thinking there wasn’t anything I could to improve my situation to a head overflowing with my ideas. It is as if she knew me from the inside out. In a matter of seconds she is on to whatever it is that is keeping me from what I want and has just the prescription for it. Her knowledge base is limitless. I’ve decided that she is the abundance angel in the guise of a brilliantly clever articulate businesswoman. Her business acumen is what completes the circle of abundance. She lives an abundant life shares what she lives and prospers in all ways as do those of us who have the joy of crossing her path.” – Mary Morony



 “Elyse, I was reviewing all my notes & e-mails since we started & just marveling at some of the quantum leaps I’ve taken – with your support & guiding light. I’m feeling so much more centered, peaceful, and tuned in to my inner guidance all of the time. Thank you for holding the light.” Sarah S.



 “Working with Elyse has been like finding the key to unlocking the door that leads to the garden. Working with her has been such a positive force in my life. She always helps me to be in my highest potential and to expand my vision in ways I simply didn’t access on my own. and I feel the changes in me. I am lighter and I am clearer in my vision and in my daily life. My life is changing from the inside out. Every time we speak, I feel more open and know that everything is possible. Elyse is inspiring, deeply intuitive and, quite simply, awesome!!!” — Doraly



“Elyse, thank you so much for being in my life as my coach and spiritual partner. You are truly a priceless gift. Because of our coaching relationship, through your love, acceptance and being totally present with me, I have been able to make HUGE shifts in how I view the world and MYSELF in it. Where I once lacked confidence and was more concerned about other’s approval of me, I now let nothing stand in my way and feel excited to express my gifts, move past fears, and do things that bring me real joy. You are a model coach and continue to inspire me to live my best life AND enjoy the journey.” Love, Bridgette



“Way more than I expected! …. I really love the program! …I really feel that I’ve changed at a cellular level, which I didn’t ‘get’ when I started the program … I now trust the process more than I ever have and also have a much different sense of who I am and how I can create what I want. …Thanks again.”— Judy A., Coach



 “I am writing to tell you how much I appreciate your unique approach. What I especially appreciate is your focus on ‘practice.’ I have and I continue to move my life in the direction of what brings me true joy and fulfillment, and your program gives me a focal point as well as a community that helps ‘jumpstart’ me to take this to a whole new level. What I notice I’m doing lately with my clients is asking them to ‘practice’ rather than just ‘understand’ the principles. (Novel idea!) So I am learning from you and your approach, and I’m thrilled for my clients! This is an entirely new way of living.” – Laurel



“Hi Elyse – I have a couple of friends that are going to be taking the free classes and are very serious about it. They have seen with their own eyes how I have applied the principles and how it has changed my life! Last year was the most amazing year of my professional life – ever. This year… will be even better AND I am going to work less. At least double the money and much less work. That is the plan for this year. Thanks again for everything Elyse.” — Judy Basso



"Thank you for a life altering experience! Thank you for your intuition in leading me to things that help me. Thanks for continuing to challenge me. From a life impact standpoint, you’ve helped me more in two months than anybody else I can remember!” - Janet A., Tech CEO

Real Voices.

Let Others Inspire You.

“Elyse. You are truly a gift and I consider you an angel to me and everyone whose life you touch with your love and light.”

- Irene Brooks

"My experience has been nothing short of miraculous! The demonstrations, powerful healing and outright miracles I have experienced over the past few weeks have left me with a profound sense of awe for the power of Spirit; the pure genius of this process; and the unfailing love and support I have felt radiating from each and every one of you.” 

- Susan M., New Mexico
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